Descuento del 15% para pago de impuestos
La secretaría de Hacienda Departamental continua invitando a los contribuyentes a cancelar los impuestos accediendo a los #AliviosTributarios, luego de la entrada en vigencia de la Ordenanza 001 del 2022 de la Asamblea Departamental que estipula porcentaje de descuentos para el pago de los impuestos predial unificado, industria y comercio, avisos y tableros e impuesto de vehículos para la vigencia 2022.
Mediante la Ordenanza se otorgan beneficios para el pago de los intereses moratorios, recuperación de carteras vencidas y sanciones por extemporaneidad en el pago de los impuestos, discriminado así:
Del 1 al 30 de Junio de 2022 se otorga descuento del 15%
The Departmental Treasury Secretariat is inviting taxpayers to pay their taxes by accessing Tax Relief, after Ordinance 001 of 2022 of the Departmental Assembly went into effect “by which powers are granted to the Governor of the Departmental Archipelago for payment with discounts to taxpayers of property taxes, unified, industry and commerce, notices and boards, and vehicle tax for the 2022 period.”
Thanks to the steps taken by the Departmental Administration, headed by our Governor, Everth Hawkins Sjogreen and the Secretariat of Finance, through this Ordinance, benefits are granted for the payment of default interest, recovery of overdue portfolios and penalties for untimely payment of taxes which is broken down in the following manner:
- From June 1st to June 30th of 2022 – a 15% discount is granted
- From July 1st to July 30th of 2022 – a 5% discount is granted
To benefit from these incentives, taxpayers must pay the total amount due of the tax and will only apply to payments made if the subscription agreement payments whose last installment and payment is made until July 31, 2022.